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Ultimate Moving Checklist from Reliable Local Movers


Moving from your current area to a new place can be fun but very challenging as well. You are faced with the task of moving all your property, your family and of course making new friends and meeting new faces. 

For people who are not used to the stress, it can really get you disorganized. But if you are familiar with an ultimate moving checklist from reliable local movers, the whole stress can be turned into fun. 

In this article, we are going to provide you with the ultimate moving checklist from Livonia Movers MI to guide your moving.

Sketch your plan

Begin your decision to move with a well-sketched plan either on paper or digitally. This plan should contain and summarize answers to such questions as:

When do I want to move?

Is your moving going to happen in months, weeks or days? It is always advisable to begin planning your moving at least some two months ahead of the date you want to finally move in order to have ample time to arrange yourself properly.

How do I want to move

Consider whether you are going to handle your moving yourself or hire a professional Livonia Movers to assist you with a hitch-free moving. If you can handle it yourself, you will save the budget for other expenses, but if not, movers Livonia MI can always be of professional help.

Why do you want to move

Your moving plan should answer why you want to move, is it for a change of job, school, environment or security. This will let you give a precise answer to your family, friends and kids.

Map out your budget

You should be able to map out a given sum that you can afford to spend for your moving. It is the budget that would determine whether or not you would go for a moving company or do the moving yourself. 

It will also determine the kind of materials or boxes you will purchase to package your moving. Mapping your budget is one of your pre-moving plans and must be taken seriously.

Get those that matter involved

As soon as you have concluded plans to move, you need to get those that matter involved in your moving. At the pre-moving stage, this can be done by informing them. 

For instance, the landlord of your current home has to be informed some two months ahead that you are moving. This will enable him to begin to make plans for a replacement as soon as you leave. 

Your workplace also has to be informed. They might put some changes to your work to enable you to meet up with your moving. If you are going to quit your current job, you need to let your company know ahead of time to make appropriate provisions. 

If you are a student and would need to change schools by virtue of your moving, let your current school know in time to enable them to prepare your transcript. Your family must also be involved in your decision to move so they can come handy with suggestions.

Research and choose a moving company

At the fourth to third week into your plans to move, you need to research and choose a reliable moving company from among the movers Livonia MI. In making your choice for Livonia Movers, you need to consider whether your choice moving company is insured and capable of handling your moving. 

Check people’s reviews on their website and their previous jobs. A professional Movers Livonia MI will give you a stress-free moving day in record time and without having to waste energy on packing and loading. You will also be guaranteed an affordable budget and a damage-free moving. 

Sort your properties 

In the second week to your moving, you should begin to sort your properties accordingly. It is advisable to sort them into four categories of “sell”, “donate”, “recycle” and “move”. The “sell” section designates those properties that you do not need any longer but can’t give out as their values when sold can add to lessening your expenses. 

The “donate” section should contain those properties that you can afford to give out, while the “recycle” section designates those properties that you know can be recycled into better products. Take such products to the recycling companies. 

The “move” category should designate those properties that you still need and which you want to be moved to your new area. You need to buy moving boxes for this section and sort them further appropriately into “hard” and “fragile” sections.

Research on your target environment

Researching your new neighborhood will make it easy for you to integrate into your new area. Take your time to visit and research the schools, hospitals, recreational centers, security system and the general neighborhood. At this point also, you need to change your addresses to tally with your new neighborhood.

Be part of your movin

On the day of your moving, try to be a part of your moving, be a supervisor and observe how your wares get handled so you can also make a review afterwards.


Maintaining a good guide from a reliable moving company guarantees easy and efficient moving. With the support and guide of a high quality moving company like Livonia movers, you can rest easy knowing that all your moving needs in the Livonia MI area will be taken care of. In the article above, we have provided you with that reliable checklist that will help you have fun with your moving.