
The Ultimate Guide To Planning a Bachelor Party

bachelor party

So, your best friend’s getting married … congratulations! What comes next? Chances are if you’re the best man they’re going to ask you to plan their bachelor party. Even if you’ve never done something like this before, there’s no need to worry. This handy guide gives you all the advice you’ll need to plan a successful bachelor party.  

When should you have it? 

One of the most important things to consider is when to hold the party. This will determine how easy it’ll be to book flights, accommodation, etc. However, there are other factors at play, too. If you have a fixed period in which you know the bachelor will be around (e.g. between Christmas and New Year) this is a good time to hold the party. This way it’ll be easier to keep track of everyone’s movements and you can ensure everyone gets back in time for whatever else they have planned.

Where will it be? 

Where the party is held could be dictated by dates, but it’s worth giving some thought to where you’d ideally like to go. If your friend has never been abroad before then it may be an idea to take them somewhere exotic for their first bachelor party. Alternatively, if there are friends or family abroad that they would like to visit then this may be a better option. Bear in mind that it’s not just the bachelor who will need to get time off work or college. Make sure there are enough people around to make the party worthwhile (too few and it simply won’t happen)

Think about what kind of trip or event your groom would want. Would they be interested in hitting a free spins no deposit casino, or perhaps a nightclub to dance the night away? Whatever their tastes, try and keep them in mind when deciding a venue or location. 

Who will be coming? 

Now it’s time to start thinking about guests. You should definitely invite the groom’s closest friends, but also any other people he may like to come along (e.g. brothers). It can be difficult keeping track of who has said yes and no, which is why you could consider putting all invitations on Facebook or WhatsApp. That way you can easily see the status of everyone’s plans.

If you think that some people will join at a later stage then it may be worth booking accommodation for them anyway, to ensure there are enough beds!

What activities do you want? 

You know what kind of party you want to have, but are your friends up for it? While everyone would love a week in the Caribbean sun, not everyone can afford it. That’s why you should come up with some activities that are much easier to plan, and won’t take so much money. Here are a few ideas:

– Night out – this is a common choice and often doesn’t cost much. There may be a club or bar where you can go for free because of the owner’s relationship to your friend. If not, perhaps there is somewhere where he can gain free entry by being on their guest list

– Sporting event – if the groom’s a fan of a particular sport (e.g. football), then why not surprise him with tickets to an upcoming game?

– Day trip – even something as simple as going to the cinema can be enjoyable, and you won’t have to pay much for it

Once you’ve come up with a rough plan, make sure you communicate it to everyone at least two months in advance so they can get the time off. When it comes to planning the finer details (e.g. pick-up times) then try and leave around three weeks beforehand so that people have plenty of notice.

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