
Setting Up Your Business Premises as a Start-Up

Setting Up Your Business Premises as a Start-Up

If you have recently started out in business or have been working from home since the early days, the next step may be to invest in business premises. While the decision to do so can be a major step and pose a few challenges, it may be a necessity if you plan on growing your team or increasing your output. Many factors need to be considered when choosing a business location; therefore, it is not a choice to be made lightly. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the key pointers to keep in mind when setting up business premises as a recent start-up:

Do your research

First thing’s first – you’ll need to determine what type of space you’re looking for when browsing for suitable premises. The space may be used as an office, warehouse, or retail site; however, each requires different specifications. In order to come to a certain decision on which premises is ideal, it would be wise to draw up a plan to determine how the space will be used on a daily basis and the essential factors that cannot be overlooked. In doing so, the estate agent will be able to narrow down the search and help you find a property that best suits your needs.

Good accessibility 

Whether it be in the interests of customers or staff members, you need to ensure that it’s possible to get to the premises with ease, either via public transport or motorways. Location can also have a substantial impact on your business’s turnover and long-term success, depending on the business niche. Retailers, for example, will need to consider the position of their premises as their main priority to secure custom from passers-by, but this factor does come at a price.

The property should also be equipped with the correct facilities for disabled individuals to make their way around the premises without difficulty. Ensure there is enough room to install an elevator and/or escalator, then get an expert company like Atis to test the safety of this. An approved Atis elevator and escalator will provide peace of mind that you are not putting anyone at risk, plus it means that less-abled individuals can move between floors. Also, make sure to feature accessible entries and exits. 

Finally, it would be a good idea to choose a premises that includes on-site parking facilities for staff and clients. 

The layout

While you may believe that a bigger premises is always better value for money, it doesn’t automatically mean that it will work well for your business. The layout is one of the key aspects that needs to be considered in terms of how the space will be used. If, for example, employees need to work collaboratively on a regular basis, an open-plan layout would be ideal, while a retail business will need to consider how the space showcases their products effectively to catch the eye of the customer.

Another consideration is the type of company culture you wish to promote and how the layout may have an effect. If you’re moving from one premises to another, it may be worth asking the opinion of your workforce regarding the size, layout, and amenities of each of the properties you’re considering. In turn, having employee input should help boost productivity and mood. 

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