Fashion & Lifestyle

Etiquette and Jewelry: Rules for Ladies and Business Women

Etiquette and Jewelry

Wearing jewelry is a long-standing tradition, which originally carried a magical meaning and the role of amulets, and also had social significance. With the passage of time and the arrival of a new generation, the idea and role of jewelry in human life changed.

Everyone loves jewelry especially women’s fashion necklaces and chooses according to their own taste, individuality of the image and the person. However, for a long time, there were special rules for wearing jewelry. Despite the fact that at present, fashion offers a variety of looks and accessories that include original design solutions, a lady must remain a sophisticated lady. You cannot blindly follow fashion because what looks great on the catwalk is sometimes impossible to wear in everyday life. Nevertheless, the rules of good manners dictate their own conditions, including what kind of jewelry to whom, with what and when to wear.

We must also not forget that jewelry in today’s world is designed primarily to emphasize female beauty, and not vice versa – to attract attention.

Rules for the selection of accessories for a social or business outlet

  1. There Should Be No More Than 3 Decorations.

Many, without hesitation, put on jewelry, guided only by mood and preferences. However, this is not enough for publication. Therefore, the first and, perhaps, the most important rule for a lady: never wear more than 3 pieces of jewelry at the same time. At the same time, the wedding ring is already included in these three. Among women, a fashion has emerged to wear 1-2 rings on each finger. For a real lady, this behavior is unacceptable.

  1. The Combination Is Not Compatible.

Avoid combining several pieces of jewelry made from different metals. Wearing silver and gold items at the same time is not permissible. Even if each piece is a masterpiece of jewelry, together they will lose all their chic. Not only that, it will also be funny, as if you decided to wear all the best at once. In this case, it is better to buy headsets consisting of 2 or 3 pieces of jewelry. Combine bijouterie and precious jewelry with products made from natural materials such as wood, bone, etc. – Not recommended.

  1. Note To Young Girls.

Not expensive jewelry, including costume jewelry, is suitable for young females. Bold and effective compositions of jewelry will emphasize not only bright individuality, but also help to create a unique image. However, young girls don’t wear diamonds. An exception may be a simple ring with a small diamond on the ring finger of the left hand or graceful earrings.

  1. Evening And Daytime Decorations.

Large sparkling stones, long, catchy earrings, wide bracelets or elaborate jewelry are best combined with evening, party or special occasions. By the way, about long earrings, it is believed that such earrings are suitable for women with a long neck, and such pendant earrings will be especially well combined with a sleek hairstyle.

  1. Bracelets, Watches, Chains, Rings, Rings.

Hands play an important role in the image of a woman, therefore, the choice of bracelets, large link chain necklace and watches, as well as rings and signet rings, should be considered more carefully. As mentioned earlier, two rings on a finger are a sign of bad taste. Do not wear a watch and a bracelet on one hand.

Stone bracelets should be worn loosely, carelessly lowered to the wrist. But if the bracelet is decorated with a composition of stones or a diamond, then it should be pulled up higher and fixed on the hand.

The nail polish should match the color of the stones on the rings, preferably if the tone of the nail polish is not darker or brighter than the stones.

  1. How To Wear Neck Jewelry.

A woman’s neck is a seductive and beautiful part of the body, which also requires careful selection of jewelry and accessories. It is best to choose gentle chains, 14k gold chain necklace womens and necklaces for a long neck, and vice versa. In addition, jewelry should not lie exactly along the cut of the dress: either higher or lower. Also, do not wear multiple necklaces at the same time. An exception may be a pectoral cross, the chain of which should be longer, and the cross itself is hidden under clothing.

Business etiquette implies maximum restraint in jewelry – a sign of good taste is a sense of proportion. These are the basic rules for wearing jewelry, following them you will keep the image intact and the style impeccable.