
Emotional Intelligence at Work

Emotional intelligence

The term emotional intelligence began to be used in 1990 when John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey defined it as the part of social intelligence that includes monitoring your emotions and others’ emotions, and using this information when making choices and guiding thoughts and behavior. Mayer and Salovey began to have data regarding the effects of emotional intelligence, which made corporations notice how they would include it into their hiring practices to help their companies become more successful.

When leaders are emotionally intelligent, the effectiveness of the group is better. They feel more inspired, less frustrated, and do not experience feeling tired and uninterested in their daily work. 

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence usually includes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Emotional intelligence is important since it helps us to relate to others more effectively and creates a cohesive team environment.

How Can You Lead Better Using Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence at work can help you with your leadership skills. Listen carefully because this is a form of leading. It may seem surprising, but some leaders think that hearing the opinions of others means being led by others. Leaders connect better with other people when they listen and communicate with them more effectively.

Do not be afraid of conflict. A leader with emotional intelligence and strong leadership skills is willing to embrace disagreements and discuss them. It leads to problem-solving, logical thinking and the ability to overcome obstacles with composure. Listen to prevent or resolve conflict. Focus your responses on each point they make. 

Use emotional intelligence to drive a work culture that fosters purpose, engagement, and excitement for creativity. 

Learning to lead more effectively may include completing continuing education to help you develop and even master emotional intelligence. A women leadership program can help you feel more accomplished with your emotional intelligence skills.

When You are Being Led, Emotional Intelligence Helps You and Your Leader

When there is a problem, say something about it. Not all leaders are emotionally intelligent and may need to know if they have a problem. Notice what you may need or even want from the job. Notice how you are performing your job each day for yourself, the leaders, and the organization. 

Do not assume anything about your coworkers and managers. You may need to talk to them and find out what is unique about them to understand that they have their challenges and you may need to find something in common with each person.

Notice how you appear to others. Are you punctual? Do you use etiquette? Is there anything you should not say that you have said? You could learn from your past behavior and help yourself improve. Having emotional intelligence helps you be a stronger team member and leader.