Health and Fitness

An Informative Guide To Dysphagia: By Medical Experts


Do you face difficulty while swallowing? 

Are you suffering from Dysphagia? 

Here in this article, we will provide you with all sorts of necessary pieces of information about Dysphagia. We understand there are many people having this health issue and do not have the essential knowledge about the issue. 

So, here is an informative guide on Dysphagia, where you will get information about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and also treatment of this health condition. So, without a single delay, let’s start with what Dysphagia is. 

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia refers to difficulty in swallowing liquids or foods. There are several causes behind this problem, which also include issues with the coordination of strength of your swallowing muscles, benign narrowings, narrowing of the esophagus, or strictures, inflammatory conditions.

In case food is stuck for over a few hours, it is usually considered an emergency situation. That is because it can result in a hole in the esophagus. Plus, chronic recurrent issues of coughing and choking related to dysphagia also might cause p[neumonia.

Symptoms Of Dysphagia

As now you get the basic idea about what Dysphagia actually is, it is time for getting to know the symptoms of this health condition. So, let’s look at the symptoms.

  • Weight loss.
  • A sensation of liquid or food stuck in the chest or throat.
  • Choking or gagging while swallowing. 

Cases Of Dysphagia

Now come to the possible causes of Dysphagia. Here are all of them. 

Narrowings or strictures of the esophagus

The narrowings or strictures of the esophagus can be the result of the following things. 

  • Benign strictures: some relatively common reasons are eosinophilic esophagitis, Schatzki’s ring, peptic stricture, or damage from previous radiation used for treating cancers in the throat. 

On the other hand, some uncommon reasons are webs in the upper esophagus, ingestion of caustic substances, such as Iye, outside compression of the esophagus by enlarged blood vessels, and lastly, a para esophageal hernia.  

  • Cancer of the esophagus or throat. 

Disorders of motility

The disorders of motility include the below-mentioned things. 

  • Muscular conditions, like myositis, scleroderma, non=specific muscle weakness, or in some cases, poor coordination. 
  • Neurological conditions, like Parkinson’s, a stroke, etc. 
  • Achalasia. 

Dysphagia Diagnosis

We have begun the discussion with the basic knowledge of dysphagia and after knowing about the symptoms of this health condition. Now let’s have a look at the diagnosis. 

  • Upper endoscopy.
  • Esophageal.
  • Esophageal manometry.
  • Videofluoroscopic swallow study.

But before opting for all these clinical diagnoses, you should consult with your doctor. The professional will understand which one will be the proper suit for you in your condition. 

Treating Dysphagia

After knowing the possible causes and symptoms, it is time to get a basic idea about the treatment of this critical health condition, which also includes oral medication help. On the basis of the diagnosis, there are various types of treatment available for the esophagus. 


Medications are either taken by mouth with the help of oral swallowing gel or directly injected into the esophagus during the time of endoscopy. Plus, some swallowing therapy with speech pathology specialists, like exercising and learning some effective swallowing techniques. The last option is surgery. 

Modification Of Diet

Modification of diet in dysphagia either eliminates particle kinds of foods or changes the consistency of drinks and foods. 


In this process, at the time of endoscopy, the esophagus open is stretched. So, the difficulty of swallowing gets eliminated. 

Placement Of A Feeding Tube

The feeding tube is either placed through the skin or through the nose into the small intestines or stomach. 

Placement Of A Stent 

The stent is like a large straw that is being placed in the esophagus in order to allow eating food of pureed consistency. 

Clinical Research For Dysphagia

Clinical research for Dysphagia is still in process by the physicians. New swallowing techniques and instruments, and treatments are being established with every passing day. This is indeed a critical health condition and also requires special medical care.

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