Health and Fitness

5 Facts About How PEMF Reduces Inflammation and Pain

PEMF devices

PEMF therapy is not new. However, it appears that people are rediscovering many of its wonderful effects. There is a reason for the resurgence of many alternative treatments.

Till the late 20th century, medicine focused a lot on overcoming bacterial and viral infections. However, with an improvement of knowledge of microbes, they pose a lesser threat than they used to. Nowadays, almost every adult is living with chronic non-infectious diseases.

Just take an example, in a year, about 20% of US adults may have lower back pain. Similarly, joint pains are present among the majority of adults after the age of 70.

However, what is worrisome is that many inflammatory conditions are becoming common among young adults. Moreover, researchers are paying increasing attention to systemic inflammation. They know that systemic inflammation is even more challenging to manage. This low-grade inflammation might cause heart diseases, neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, a need to find a novel way to reduce inflammation in the body.

PEMF therapy is good in the way that it is pretty good for local and systemic inflammation. So, for example, it may be used to manage knee arthritis. Still, it may also be suitable for reducing systemic inflammation that causes various chronic diseases and early aging.

Reduce production of inflammation-causing cytokines

Studies have found that PEMF devices may help reduce inflammation in many ways. Among them, one of the ways is that PEMF therapy may help reduce levels of circulating cytokines. These cytokines are responsible for various pains and inflammation. Thus, they play a role both in acute and chronic conditions.

Therefore, PEMF therapy would be suitable for arthritis, managing lower back pain. However, it will also help in non-specific headaches, lowering the risk of systemic illnesses. It may even help alter the course of various autoimmune disorders. It may even help prevent flares of certain chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease.

Boost NO production and normalize vascular function

Dysregulation of vascular function causes numerous disorders. For example, as per the new classification of the American Heart Association, almost half of adults have hypertension. Although, fortunately, most of them have borderline hypertension. Thus, in most such cases, there is a need to reduce systemic inflammation and manage the vascular condition without medications.

Unmanaged inflammation may also cause other painful conditions like a poor supply of blood to joints and ligaments. PEMF therapy may help boost blood supply and thus help overcome those spasms. It may not have an immediate pain-relieving action, but its prolonged use would result in reduced pain.

Additionally, high NO release also prevents the consolidation of inflammation and pain. Thus, using PEMF therapy in the early stages may help prevent long-term complications of inflammation and pain.

Increase production of growth factors

Some of the new studies show that many of the regenerative actions of PEMF devices are due to their ability to boost growth factors. That is why PEMF is highly recommended for managing traumas, soft tissue injury, and even managing post-operative pain and inflammation.

It appears that using PEMF may boost the production of local growth factors, which may ultimately mean better healing, reduced inflammation. Moreover, it may result in prolonged remission of specific disease conditions.

Normalize cellular energy supply

Researchers believe that one of the lesser understood ways PEMF works is by normalizing the body’s internal production of magnetic fields. Almost every metabolic process produces some kind of electromagnetic impulse. However, it also means that in inflammation and pain, these impulses are altered.

Studies show that regularly applying low-energy pulsed electromagnetic fields may boost cellular function, normalize energy supply, and help overcome inflammation.

Additionally, PEMF may also have a role in directly stimulating mitochondrial energy production. Therefore, it is considered one of the effective ways of overcoming mitochondrial dysfunction.

Reduce stress levels

Finally, one should not underestimate the role of PEMF therapy in reducing stress levels. Thus, it is a common practice to combine various other treatments with PEMF. For example, most PEMF devices would have a relaxing effect of infrared light therapy, photon light therapy, and much more.

Unlike medications or even supplements, using PEMF devices is a highly relaxing experience. It may help improve blood flow to skeletal muscles, reduce spasms, relax, minimize stress, and enhance sleep quality. All this may ultimately result in lower levels of stress hormones, better mood, and faster recovery from inflammation and pain.

To conclude, PEMF therapy has a vital role in managing local and systemic inflammation and pain. It is not just good for suppressing inflammation but is also excellent for boosting regenerative processes.