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4 Ways To Waterproof Your Home


Your home may be prone to water damage if you live somewhere with frequent rainfall. While you might think that a bit of moisture won’t cause any significant problems, consistent and recurring damage will eventually affect your home in the long run. Hence, you must invest in waterproofing methods while it’s still early.  

Waterproofing isn’t as challenging or pricey as it sounds. However, there are a few steps to correctly protect the structure from moisture and the issues that may come with it. To prevent the common problems that follow water damage, continue reading this guide to help you waterproof your home:

  • Inspect The Property

Before anything else, you must check all the water-prone areas of your home. Inspecting these areas will give you an idea of what may be happening or what could happen if you don’t address the problem immediately. Having more info about water damage in specific parts also allows you to figure out proper solutions to the issues. 

Here are the areas in your home that require a thorough inspection:

  • Roof

Your roof serves as your primary protection against the elements. If your roof has holes or cracks, you can expect water droplets to find their way inside eventually.  

Start by inspecting the insulation in your attic. There might be exposed parts that could absorb water and even attract mold growth. Sloped roofs should be alright if their existing waterproofing materials are still in excellent condition. 

On the other hand, flat roofs should have supplementary protection against moisture, such as a liquid-applied waterproofing membrane or something similar. Additionally, you should install a proper drainage system. 

Don’t forget to inspect the spots where your home’s chimney, vents, and antennas are. It would be best to seal off these areas correctly. Conduct your inspections regularly since regular rain or snowfall may cause your roof to deteriorate.

  • Exterior Walls

Despite being sturdier than interior walls, exterior walls need frequent checkups since these areas of your home are the most exposed. Water can easily slip through the little cracks, especially if you have a faulty outdoor drainage system.  

The siding materials used to protect your exterior walls from water damage may also need improvement. Fortunately, you can find many different kinds of waterproofing solutions in most hardware stores. These products will provide additional protection for your exterior walls without drastically altering their look and texture.

  • Foundation

Even if you rarely, if ever, experience mild to severe flooding on your property, there’s a possibility that the moisture on the walls could seep into the floor and foundation of your home. If your foundation has significant cracks or gaps, the water may flow to your basement and collect there, damaging the flooring. 

Water may also weaken the soil underneath the foundation, no matter how stable it is. Your home and property could risk sinking or swelling from the uneven surface.

  • Drains And Gutters

Your drainage system is an essential element of your home that you must regularly inspect. Waterproofing your property starts with your drains and gutters being in great shape. If your drainage system has even the slightest flaws, you must repair these as soon as possible.

  • Seal All Cracks And Gaps

Once you’ve inspected your home’s nooks and crannies, you must seal all possible openings where water could enter. Those cracks may be the cause of your problem.  

So, use some paintable latex caulk for siding panels and the exteriors of windows where you spot any gaps. Apply the best sealant you can find for cracks causing leaks on your roof. Failure to treat these issues could result in rust on metal areas, worsening the existing gaps.

  • Unblock Clogged Areas

Blocking the path of water flow sounds like a good plan until the water finds a way to escape. When this happens, you can expect leaks in the most random places in your home.  

Make sure to remove all debris from pipes, gutters, and drains. The collected water could add to the weight of the lines, causing them to detach from the main structure. Remember to clean your rain gutters after every downpour and before heavy rains. The water doesn’t always wash away the leaves and grime piling up on those parts. 

Don’t forget to check your windows as well. Some window types have parts called weep holes. These holes help drain the accumulating water from rain or snow. If you ignore these parts for too long, dirt and leaves may collect here and clog the water’s only way of escape. To avoid this, include your window’s weep holes in your house cleaning routine.

  • Repaint Affected Areas

Paint serves two primary purposes: aesthetics and protection. High-quality paint prevents moisture from the outside from seeping into the walls to the inside. So, make sure to repaint the exteriors in time for the rainy season. Avoid waiting for the paint to break down. It’s always better to address the issue before things worsen. 

You may choose any color for your walls, regardless of paint color trends. Just take note to use good products and apply the colors liberally when it’s dry outside.


As you can see, waterproofing your home is relatively easy. All you have to do is to check leak-prone areas and clean them up before applying the appropriate material. Depending on the area and the specific issue, you can apply a sealant, paint, or caulk to protect your home from damage caused by something as simple as water.