
The Ultimate Travel Checklist For 2022

Travel Checklist

When you’re travelling, the last thing you want is to forget something. The list of things you need to take with you is so comprehensive that it can feel almost impossible not to leave something behind, and yet you could be abandoning the very thing that is crucial to you having a good time while you’re away. 

Research suggests that it’s extremely common to forget everyday items like toothbrushes, but what if you forget something important, like your passport? We’re here to help with that. Here’s the ultimate travel checklist for 2022 so you can make sure you’re not leaving on your travels without something essential.

Relevant documents

The first thing you shouldn’t leave behind is whatever documentation you’re going to need to travel to your destination. This can vary; some places only need your passport (depending on where you’re leaving from, of course), while others may require visas and other important additional documents. You might find that putting together the relevant documentation involves additional work, like locating dummy tickets, a concept here explained by ClickTravelTips (be sure to read through it if you think you might need a visa).

Extra clothing

You might think you’ve packed all the clothing you’re going to need for your trip, but think again. Taking extra clothing is always a good idea; after all, something might happen to the clothes you’re taking along, and if you’ve only brought exactly enough, then you’re going to find yourself at a loose end, especially if the place you’re staying doesn’t have adequate laundry facilities. Try to take extra underwear, extra pairs of shoes, and extra shirts, at the very least, as these are the garments that it’s more difficult to wear again and again.


Don’t leave for your holiday without packing any medications that you need to bring with you. The consequences for forgetting your meds could range from mild to severe depending on your illness, so make sure this is one of the first things you allocate to a suitcase or bag. You shouldn’t experience problems with customs because you have medication with you, but depending on the nature of your meds, you might want to obtain a letter from a doctor or medical professional explaining why you need the medication and why you have to bring it with you on your travels.

Tech and chargers

Be sure to take whatever tech you’re going to need with you, and give it pride of place in your suitcase. Even if your holiday is supposed to be a getaway from the ubiquity of your smartphone, you should still make sure you take it with you in case of serious emergencies. You’ll also want to take e-readers, tablets, or whatever else you’re taking as a form of entertainment, as well as those devices’ respective chargers. Thanks to universal USB-C standards, you’ll often find that chargers overlap, but if they don’t, make sure to pack proprietary chargers as well.


Not every hotel will provide toiletries for you, and even if they do, you may have a preference for your own. Be sure to pack toiletries like shampoo, hand sanitiser, and other necessities, as well as your toothbrush. You should also pack some disinfectant wipes, which can be a great way to guard not only against illness but also against bad hygiene by routinely wiping down surfaces and your devices. It’s worth making a list of the toiletries you’re going to need, because they can be numerous and difficult to keep track of on their own.

Kids’ supplies

If you’re travelling with children, then it’s important to keep their supplies and needs at the forefront of your mind when packing as well. Take any entertainment devices they’re going to need, and if they’re young, make sure to take things like nappies, baby powder, wet wipes, and anything else you’ll need to care for them. You may find that certain substances aren’t allowed on the plane if you’re flying, so make sure to read your airline’s rules comprehensively before packing. You don’t want to be turned away at customs, after all!

A first aid kit

Are you lucky enough to know how to administer first aid? If so, then you should definitely consider taking a portable first aid kit on your flight (again, if this is allowed by your airline, of course). While it’s true that most planes will already have a kit, you should still take one of your own; after all, once you get off the plane, you’re on your own, and if you run into an emergency, you might not be able to get to a first aid kit in time. Even if you don’t know how to administer first aid, having supplies like bandages and other generic medical items can still be useful.


Some shops and outlets won’t accept card payments when you travel, so your best bet is to carry the country’s local currency with you. Of course, you shouldn’t be too obvious about where it’s located on your person; you don’t want to get mugged, after all. However, keeping cash in a discreet location will help you to be prepared for any eventuality, whether that’s catching a taxi or paying for a service that doesn’t offer card payments for whatever reason. Make sure to exchange the currency before you leave, though, because you might not be able to do so when you get there!