Health and Fitness

The Many Benefits of Aftercare: Healing From Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Healing From Drug

Aftercare is a crucial and often overlooked part of the recovery process. Many people who go through addiction treatment only get sober, without understanding that it’s important to create a healthy lifestyle after completing their program. This can lead to relapse or post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

Recovery centers believe in giving you all the tools necessary for success during your journey back into society. There are aftercare programs for both men and women, with various levels of intensity based on needs and circumstances. Expert staff will work with you throughout this period to ensure you are comfortable and feel supported every step of the way!

What is aftercare?

Aftercare refers to continuing care after one has completed a drug rehab program. It is often overlooked, but it’s extremely important for maintaining sobriety long-term and rebuilding your life after being away from society for months or years.

The primary purpose of addiction treatment programs (most of which can last anywhere between 90 and 180 days) is to provide those experiencing drug and alcohol addiction symptoms with the tools to recognize their problem, identify triggers that can lead to relapse, and create coping mechanisms.

However, without continuing care in place after leaving rehab or detox centers, you are at risk of falling back into your old habits- which typically results in a quick return to substance abuse.

Who will work with me in aftercare?

You will not be left alone after completing your program. In fact, the most successful members have a network of supporters who they can reach out to during and even after their journey is complete. This includes family members, medical professionals, friends, or other people that were recently sober as well.  

Who can I reach out to during aftercare?

The most important person who you can rely on for support is yourself. However, your family members or other people that have completed their drug detox program are also substantial sources of encouragement and advice. Many treatment centers will provide alumni-reunions every so often where former clients meet up with each other in a social setting. This provides a refreshing insight into the life of somebody that is currently enjoying sobriety and can offer advice when you want to give in or turn back to old habits.

What are the benefits of aftercare?

Aftercare is an integral part of the addiction treatment process. In fact, they show that people who take part in after-treatment programs are much more likely to kick their habits and remain sober for a lifetime!

Most times, you will visit your doctor regularly during aftercare. This can help them monitor how well your body has responded to the treatment, and whether you are experiencing any adverse side effects that require medical attention.

However, there is also a more psychological aspect of aftercare- which involves working with your counselor on issues related to life without drugs or alcohol. Some individuals will need additional therapy sessions following their primary program to heal from addiction. This can be extremely beneficial, as it will provide you with the skills necessary to live a healthy lifestyle without turning back to substance abuse.

The benefits of aftercare and going to a recovery treatment center for addiction are more than just feeling better. You will be given the tools you need to maintain sobriety. If you are ready to change your life, visit us at today!