
How to Reduce the Effect of Blue Light When Working

How to Reduce the Effect of Blue Light When Working

Blue light is something that emanates from a device with a screen, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Even TVs and energy-efficient light bulbs give off this kind of light. The problem is that too much blue light can have a detrimental effect on your health; it can lead to insomnia, mood swings, and eye problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Although it’s not possible to completely do away with digital devices when you’re working (assuming you work in an office environment, of course), there are ways to reduce the negative impact this light can have on you. With that in mind, here are some listed below – it might be time to implement them in your daily life. 

Cut Down on Screen Time 

You might have to use a computer screen all day or use your tablet a lot throughout your working week, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cut your screen time down a little, and even a little is better than nothing. 

By taking more breaks away from the screen, you allow your eyes to readjust and your brain to become less dependent on the blue light. Make sure every 20 minutes to look away from the screen – focus on something around 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This is all it takes. However, longer breaks are ideal, especially as it’s not good to sit in one position for a long time.

Take a Break at Night 

Even if you have to be subjected to blue light all day, that’s not the case in the evening when you actually have the perfect opportunity to get away from your screens completely. Ideally, you should switch them all off around three hours before bedtime to allow your circadian rhythm to readjust and help you get a better night’s sleep. 

Get New Glasses 

Special computer glasses from will help reduce how much blue light you are exposed to. The lenses on these particular glasses have a slightly yellow tint, and this filters out the blue light and makes it less likely for you to have to go through digital eyestrain. 

On top of the filtering effect, those who wear blue screen glasses or computer glasses have better melatonin production. Blue light suppresses the amount of melatonin the body produces, and since this hormone is the one that regulates sleep, suppression is a bad thing, hence the insomnia and sleep issues that blue light can cause. When you are able to make enough melatonin, you’ll sleep better. 

Use a Filter 

If you don’t normally wear prescription glasses, then you might not want to or be able to wear computer glasses. In this case, the filter can be installed on your device rather than worn over your eyes. Alternatively, you can turn your devices to night mode or lower the brightness. This should help you sleep better and reduce how much digital eyestrain you’re under. 

Try Supplements 

Although supplements aren’t something that everyone is happy to take, if you are, then studies suggest that zeaxanthin and lutein are good for dealing with the symptoms of too much blue light and eyestrain. Always speak to your doctor before starting any new supplements to ensure they are safe for you.

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