
How to Choose the Correct QuickBooks Hosting Company for Your Business?


QuickBooks Desktop version commands an immense user following and rightly so for the type of features that it offers. Automation with the financial tracking, lesser scope for errors, consistency with data between different departments, timely reminders, and there is still a lot more QB can do for your accounting needs.

Hosting QB on the cloud adds more features to the desktop software, so accounting professionals can deliver better performance. Some of the advantages of choosing QuickBooks Hosting are:

  • Users can easily access data on Desktop in the Cloud Anytime, anywhere.
  • Multi-user collaboration
  • Cross-device compatibility
  • Improvised disaster recovery and backup solutions
  • Better add-on compatibility

For an accounting professional or company to stay matched with the competition, these features are almost inevitable today.

To ensure that your choice of QB hosting company is capable of delivering the right outcome for you, ask these questions:

  • Do They Offer SLA Backed Availability?

With almost entire QuickBooks depending on the cloud, you would never want to face a server downtime. Cloud technologies have escalated for the better in recent times, and reliable hosting providers offer a 99.999% uptime guarantee.

That represents a downtime of around 6 minutes or less in the year, which is usually pre-informed and during the least hectic schedule. But it is more suitable to have a written agreement. Ask your QB hosting company to provide SLA-backed server availability.

  • Which QuickBooks Versions and Add-ons Do They Support?

As an accountant, you may need to work on different QB versions depending on the client’s requirements. Moreover, QuickBooks works even more profitably with add-ons, which makes their integration a necessity. So, ask your QB hosting provider if their servers are capable of doing that smoothly. 

  • What Is Their Level and Field of Expertise?

There are multiple cloud hosting providers in the market and each cloud vendor has to experience in a particular field.

Therefore, choose a QuickBooks hosting provider that holds expertise in providing services to accounting and tax professionals. It will supply an apt environment and resources to host your application. Additionally, the number of years they have served in a certain field and a look at their client base can serve as metrics for their reliability.

  • What Support Options Do They Offer?

When technical solutions are involved, the requirement for experts is usually inevitable. A friendly and reachable support team can ensure that the tech queries of the accounting professionals are instantly resolved, and operations remain on track. For instant requirements, phone and chat are preferred while e-mails can work well for requests that do not seek instant actions.

  • What Are the Security Measures Implemented?

Business data is prone to diverse cyber-attacks, accidents, and other malicious threats. A competent hosted QB provider will implement security standards to safeguard the information. Some of the main measures include:

  • End-to-end data encryption
  • Anti-virus
  • Anti-malware
  • Multiple firewalls
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS)

Also, inspect the on-site security protocols taken by the cloud vendor to ensure the protection of data.


QuickBooks cloud hosting is a one-stop solution for all business needs. Therefore, it is crucial to select the correct hosting provider for your business, and Hosting providers like Apps4Rent are superior in providing a broad variety of cloud solutions. They even assist in different migrations services like the process to transfer files from google drive to onedrive and will assist you in selecting the appropriate version of QuickBooks according to your business requirements.